Friday, July 16, 2010

What is this Tea Party Shit...

I had to logg in to ask what is up with all this tea party shit?? No one has a right to disrespect our current President and past President Abe Lincoln like that. This tea party shit is just another way to express hate. I call it shit, cause that is all it is a big piece of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our President has did more for the wellness of our country in less than two years, than Bush did in eight years in office. See Bush only focused on the wars that was going on, and not our country, but Obama has a war going on, and trying to get people home from a old war zone, and taking care of our country. Its called multi tasking.....
Then you know what I hate when people like the elephnat party get up say on health care, that the President is going about this the wrong way......... WELL HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE... Your way must be by doing nothing, because that is what you all have been doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! If you can not work together for the b...etter of our country, then sit down and shut up, you had eight years of doing nothing..

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